quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2011
quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011
Replay LGD.sGty vs EHOME
Um replay do ótimo jogo da LGD.sGty vs EHOME, mostrando uma medusa farmando extremamente bem.
Download - http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/replays/32945
Download - http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/replays/32945
quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2011
Desculpas Para se Kitar - TOP 10
9° - Acabou a energia aqui em casa vou ter que sair " " Player X Has left the game ".
8º - AFF , MH , assim não tá, nego me batendo invi que MH " Player X Has left the game ".
7° - Não tenho time , flws . " Player X Has left the game ".
6º - Porra , tão zoando o Game, rmk pls " Player X Has left the game ".
5º - Meu peixe ta morrendo afogado vo la salvar ele " Player X Has left the game ".
4°- Vou levar minha vó no Muay Thai " Player X Has left the game ".
3° - Aff comprei item errado " Player X Has left the game ".
2º - Aff não sai de Phoenix ( << DEU -RANDOM ) " Player X Has left the game ".
1°- AI MEU DEUS , gente foi mal mais vou ter que kitar , não sou de fazer isso mais é que, tem uma mina ali querendo me dar e vo la comer ela flws . " Player X Has left the game "
Todas essas são desculpas reais em jogos no Garena .
Retirado de - DotaComedy
segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2011
DotA 2 Changelog
Title: Update. Rearm. Update.
Date: 2nd June 2011
* Enabled Tinker.
* If you're accepted into a matchmaking game while spectating another game, it will automatically remove you from spectating.
* Fixed the Tutorial randomly popping up during non-tutorial games.
* DOTA TV works on replays now.
* Fixed first-ability-randomly-firing-off bug that was caused by errant clicks on the action panel (ttocs found a repro /highfive).
* Fixed Death Prophet's Exorcism spirits not clamping to the ground.
* Lots of fixes for Illusion, Magic Immunity and Sphere rules.
* Fixed Soul Ring to give the proper mana even when your mana is full.
* Implemented Witch Doctor's Ultimate Scepter.
* Fixed Echo Slam doing 1 less echo to the initial targets.
* Fixed Corrosive Skin having a bug that caused it to not work properly.
* Fixed Eye of the Storm hitting fogged/invisible units.
* Fixed Chain Frost and Paralyzing Cask such that they now bounce correctly when their target unit dies/dodges.
* Fixed Pugna's Nether Ward not immediately going away when it's destroyed.
* Fixed suicides displaying the wrong message.
* A billion (maybe not literally) tweaks to the way the DOTA TV camera tracks units. Should fix most pops and weird camera positions (like when the killer and victim are too far away like with Zuus).
Title: Ah Fresh Meat (welcome new testers)!
Date: May 26, 2011
* 3 New Heroes! Nevermore, Enchantress. and Leshrac.
* Added Tutorial Mode.
* Added Bug Reporter: You can type "bug" in the console for a more detailed form or you can just type “bug: [insert bug text here]” in the in-game chat to enter a new bug on the fly.
* Added support for partially and fully sharable items.
* Fixed Chronosphere moving buildings
* Fixed the missing lobby/no team bug when starting a matchmaking game (hi ttocs!)
* Fixed vision duration on Wave of Terror
* Fixed Lifesteal from leeching off of wards (like rhasta's wards)
* Fixed Frostbite not revealing invisible units
* Fixed Necronomicon's Last Will working on Towers
* Fixed Poison Touch's projectile speed * Fixed Poison Touch's targeting rules
* Fixed Blademail working on towers and wards * Fixed multiple server crashes.
* Fixed Life Drain values always being that of Scepter upgrade
* Fixed Life Drain tick interval
* Fixed DOTA TV clients connecting and not having any client side tree
info. This also means that trees being destroyed/spawned will now properly work.
* New Vengeful Spirit color pass.
* Fixed Bloodstone not granting vision at the location of death.
* Removed experimental Hero Glows.
* Fix to tracking attack projectiles hitting you even after you've dodged them.
* Fixed drop/equip rules for Rapier.
* Fixed intro mode and other cvars persisting across games if the server was reused.
* Made a couple events avaliable to spectators, like rune pickups and bottling.
* Fixed bug that would cause illusions to not fully level up their abilities.
* Impact sounds wont be played if the target is dormant. Fixes hearing enemy heroes fighting neutrals.
* Fixed Vladimir's increasing damage by 15 instead of 15%
* Courier can now refill the bottle
* Fixed attacking Wards damage being blocked by Vanguard/Kraken/etc
* Fixed Counter Helix procing off of things it can't hurt
* Fixed Frostbite damage interval
* Bottle now always captures the rune when it pick it up, rather then only when it is empty
* Fixed a bug with OnIntervalThink not working properly if the think interval time is increased after creation
* Fixed Heart regeneration working on illusions
* Fixed various bugs with Poison Touch
* Fixed Static Remnant not giving vision
* Fixed Poison Sting vs mechanical units
* Fixed sound source for Poison Touch
* Fixed Poison Sting from illusions
* Fixed multiple urn of shadows getting charges
* Fixed bugs with how magic resistance from base and items were calculated on illusions
* Fixed ranged and melee manta incoming/outgoing values being reversed
* Fixed spells doing their amplified damage twice to illusions
* Added projectile vision to Windrunner's Powershot and Lich's Chain Frost.
* Illusions now copy the state of the morphed hero (DK ult)
* Added a number of new console-based cheat commands:
. item X - creates item X in your hero's inventory
. levelbots X - increases the level of all created heroes by X
. givebots X - gives item X to all created heroes
. wtf - turns off all cooldowns and mana costs
. unwtf" console cheat command to re-enable cooldowns and mana costs.
. timescale - speeds up or slows down time
. spawnneutrals - forces a spawn of all neutral creeps
. spawncreeps - forces a spawn of all lane creeps
. disablecreepspawn - turns off normal creep spawning
. enablecreepspawn - turns on normal creep spawning
. killcreeps X - kill all, radiant, dire or neutral creeps (X is all, radiant, dire, or neutral)
. allvision - all units give vision
. normalvision - turns off allvision
Title: Pop it. Lock it. Patch it.
Date: 20th May 2011
* Enabled Pugna and Beastmaster (in-progress models).
* Added new in-progress models for Lina, Drow, Windrunner.
* Implemented neutral Satyr Trickster's Purge ability.
* Implemented neutral Satyr Soulstealer's Mana Burn ability.
* Implemented neutral Satyr Hellcaller's Shockwave ability.
* Implemented neutral Satyr Hellcaller's Unholy Aura ability.
* Implemented neutral Forest Troll High Priest's Heal ability.
* Implemented neutral Harpy Storm's Chain Lightning ability.
* Implemented ancient neutral Black Dragon's Splash Attack ability.
* Fixed Zuus's Arc Lightning so that it no longer bounces to invisible units or units in the fog of war.
* Diffusal Blade's Purge now removes buffs/debuffs from any target, not just heroes.
* Cleaned up the visual transition between day/night.
* Fixed neutral creeps always spawning if the old creeps were magic-immune.
* Axe's counter helix will now hit magic immune targets.
* Fixed bloodseeker adding 80 damage when blood raging instead of 80% of the base.
* Dark Seer's vacuum now destroy trees around the targetted area.
* Fixed Mjollnir HAMMER OF THE GODS! not really proccing.
* Fixed Earthshaker's Ultimate Scepter implementation doing double damage to all units hit by it instead of spawning 2 echo waves per hero.
* Fixed Feedback (mana burn) not working on illusions.
* Furion's tree now obstruct vision for the enemy team.
* Fixed Pudge's health not updating when upgrading Flesh Heap.
* Made CTRL a modifier key to test sending an order to all controllable units. So you don't have to select all your eidolons plus enigma now, just hold down control when you give an order and everyone that can follow it will.
* Cleaned up how illusions were created.
* Ultimate ability state is now shown as a pip in the hero bar.
* Fixed Malefice ticking one extra time always.
* Fixed Eidolons multiplying by attacking buildings.
* Fixed Ravage getting blocked by Linken Sphere.
* Fixed Corrosive Skin vs mechanical units.
* Fixed Chain Frost stopping immediatly once it finds a magic immune unit.
* Fix to one case of bots getting stuck idling in place.
Title: Who wants an Update
Date: 13th May 2011
* You now automatically switch to groups of unselected, controlled units via Tab.
* Fixed Rattletrap's Rocket Flare to be visible on the minimap again.
* Switched sange and yasha from their orb effect maim to trigger off of an OnAttackLanded event instead.
* Manta move speed doesn't stack with yasha or sange and yasha.
* Fixed Reaper's Scythe on magic immune units.
* Fixed Fatal Bonds not always adding the primary target.
* Fixed a number of abilities having incorrect interaction with Sphere: Slithereen Crush, Jinada, Wind Walk, Echo Slam, Moon Glaive, Death Pulse, Purification, Scream of Pain, Fatal Bonds.
* Added grow factor to BKB.
* Implemented neutral Ogre Magi's Frost Armor ability.
* Implemented neutral Dark Troll Warlord's Ensnare ability.
* Implemented neutral Giant Wolf's Critical Strike ability and neutral Alpha Wolf's Critical Strike ability.
* Implemented neutral Alpha Wolf's Command Aura ability.
* Implemented neutral Enraged Wildkin's Tornado ability.
* Fixed Centaur Khan's War Stomp and Polar Furbolg Ursa Warrior's Thunder Clap so they aren't absorbed by Sphere.
* Fixed Vampiric Aura on illusions.
* Fixed Electric Vortex sometimes not pulling a unit if it is running away while casting.
* Added new summoned melee unit: neutral Dark Troll Warlord's Skeleton Warrior.
* Added Defend Ally ability usage to Bane, Crystal Maiden, Sven, Tidehunter, Tiny, Vengeful Spirit, and Windrunner bots.
* Added a bunch of missing summoned unit names.
* Tidehunter's Ravage is now consumed by Sphere.
Title: Cinco de Update
Date: 5th May 2011
* Added Earthshaker and Kunkka bots.
* Bloodstone now gains charges, rather than stacks a buff.
* Numerous fixes and tweaks to DotaTV camera.
* Hooked up Pudge's new Rot animation.
* Fixed Fiend's Grip not working properly on magic immune units.
* Fixed uppercase F not working properly in chat.
* Standardized projectile hits with respect to Sphere, magic immunity, and invulnerability.
* Added projectile dodging to teleports, invisibility, and Mirana's Leap.
* Kobold Taskmasters now have Speed Aura.
* Centaur Khans now have Endurance Aura.
* Centaur Khans now have War Stomp.
Title: Hey it's an Update
Date: 30th April 2011
* Many improvements to Bot AI.
* Improved DotaTV directed framing mode.
* Added DotaTV directed shoulder view.
* Fixed Rattletrap's Cogs to be killable by his own team (he can do it in one hit).
* Adjusted how Rattletrap's Cogs arrange nearby units when deployed -- they should be better about trapping units now.
* Fixed a bug where if a hero attempted to pick up the Aegis with a full inventory, the Aegis would bind to them permanently even though they failed to actually pick it up.
* Fixed Urn of Shadows not getting dispeled by towers
* Fixed hero base regeneration being less than it should be
* Camera fov increased again (higher than desired just to test it more easily)
* Fixed Wall of Replica illusion damage
* Fixed Slardar's Amp Damage not granting vision around the unit he amped.
* Fixed bug where heroes wouldn't get assists if a hero is killed by creeps/towers.
* Items now have a descriptor tag under their name if they are an Orb, Boots item, or Consumable, to help with possible confusion between stacking of effects.
* Cleaned up a few issues that were causing some tooltips to display incorrectly.
* Sobi Mask and Ancient Janggo are now Mask and Drum of Endurance respectively (wasn’t sure on these, probably just placeholders for now)
* Implemented the lower attack priority for wards, creeps, and the Boots of Travel teleport target.
* Creep Health bars is hidden while spectating. You can temporarly bring them up by holding ALT.
* Fixed having to hit SHIFT+ENTER to chat in spectator.
* Fixed invisbile units not having a healthbar in spectator mode.
Title: We're back!
Date: Apr 8, 2011
- In replay/spectator mode, the heroes in the scoreboard are now clickable (jump to the location of the hero).
- Axe's Berserker's Call now works properly with neutral creeps.
- Cleaned up linear projectile issues on non-level ground.
- Bots now know how to use a number of items: BKB, Shiva's Guard, Blade Mail, Sheepstick, Eul's Scepter, Dagon, Force Staff, Necronomicon, Orchid, Refresher, Ancient Janggo, Arcane Boots, Armlet, Buckler, Ethereal Blade, Invisibility Sword, Manta, Medallion of Courage, Mekansm, Pipe, and Urn of Shadows.
- Tiny can no longer throw couriers using Toss, and the damage from Toss will no longer damage couriers.
Title: Update
Date: Mar 12, 2011
- Fixed drag-select breaking if you dragged over the bottom HUD.
- Fixed Toss targeting couriers.
- Fixed Chain Frost initial cast being unable to target magic immune (ministun still works on them).
- Fixed Chain Frost bounces slowing all magic immune.
- Fixed Quelling Blade working on denies and on buildings.
- Lots of Matchmaking fixes.
- Fixed the scoreboard not showing the correct scores if you were a Dire player.
- Fixed an issue where when Dragon Knight in his Dragon Form was affected by Voodoo (frog or chicken), he would sometimes not change to the new model.
- Fixed Headdress regeneration.
- Fixed Bracer cost.
- Fixed Storm's Overcharge being used up on denies.
- Fixed radiant's middle towers being removed on spawn after a changelevel if they were destroyed on the previous game on that server.
- Fixed Focus Fire not working versus magic immune.
- Fixed Powershot requiring too much time to read full damage.
- Fixed a few bugs with Dream Coil interaction with magic immune.
- Fixed Courier stash pickup function having a delay (which would cause it to come with no items if you issued pickup/deliver quickly).
- Increased Courier stash pickup range.
- Fixed Eye of Skadi working on towers.
- Fixed Crystal Nova working on towers.
- Added illusion create/kill effects.
- Many fixes to bots, including less turtling late-game.
Title: Update
Date: Mar 22, 2011
- Fixed Viper Strike slow doing maximum power for the entire duration instead of falling off.
- Fixed minimum attack speed cap.
- Added a -createhero chat command (add enemy at the end to make it enemy to you).
- Adding the phased modifier to sentry and observer wards. This allows units to pass through them. Fixes forum bug.
- Fixed Kunkka's Ghost Ship not actually making the ship if cast near the edge of the world and into the world.
Title: It`s a big one.
Date: Mar 3, 2011
- Fixed Pudge's hook animation getting stuck on if Pudge gets interrupted before his action phase ends.
- Fixed general silence sound not playing when gaining the silence state.
- Fixed Dream Coil stunning invulnerable units (waveform, omnislash, etc).
- Fixed Mirana's Arrow and Pudge's Hook to not miss nearby targets.
- Enabled new shop UI.
- Removed Tiny, Enigma, and Viper from "New heroes" list, so they won't get be the only ones chosen with Random Hero.
- Added moonlight shadow cast effects to Mirana and her teammates.
- Added the ability to attack and destroy runes and world items.
- Runes and physical items now highlight invalid with the standard cursor if the controlled unit does not have movement capability.
- Added in new announcer lines for killing Roshan, Towers and Barracks.
- Adding in a delay on building attack messages to be less spammy.
- Only one bloodstone (the first one in your inventory) gets a charge when there is a nearby hero death.
- Razor's Eye of the Storm is now a two stage process. First it targets units then it targets towers, barracks, and the ancient.
- New Spectator Panel.
- Bots will now go for and pick up runes.
... go dormant and refuse to speak his lines.
- Fixed Avalanche lasting 0.5 seconds too long.
- Fixed a bug where Viper's corrosive skin debuff wouldn't do any damage to the creeps that it had poisoned.
- Fixed Freezing Field not slowing attack speed.
- Fixed physical items being visible through the fog of war.
- Fixed Viper Strike not slowing Magic Immune.
- Fixed Torrent not giving vision over the area it hits.
- Fixed Grow damage being added
O Closed Beta tá acontecendo e logo logo teremos mais noticias ;))
Date: 2nd June 2011
* Enabled Tinker.
* If you're accepted into a matchmaking game while spectating another game, it will automatically remove you from spectating.
* Fixed the Tutorial randomly popping up during non-tutorial games.
* DOTA TV works on replays now.
* Fixed first-ability-randomly-firing-off bug that was caused by errant clicks on the action panel (ttocs found a repro /highfive).
* Fixed Death Prophet's Exorcism spirits not clamping to the ground.
* Lots of fixes for Illusion, Magic Immunity and Sphere rules.
* Fixed Soul Ring to give the proper mana even when your mana is full.
* Implemented Witch Doctor's Ultimate Scepter.
* Fixed Echo Slam doing 1 less echo to the initial targets.
* Fixed Corrosive Skin having a bug that caused it to not work properly.
* Fixed Eye of the Storm hitting fogged/invisible units.
* Fixed Chain Frost and Paralyzing Cask such that they now bounce correctly when their target unit dies/dodges.
* Fixed Pugna's Nether Ward not immediately going away when it's destroyed.
* Fixed suicides displaying the wrong message.
* A billion (maybe not literally) tweaks to the way the DOTA TV camera tracks units. Should fix most pops and weird camera positions (like when the killer and victim are too far away like with Zuus).
Title: Ah Fresh Meat (welcome new testers)!
Date: May 26, 2011
* 3 New Heroes! Nevermore, Enchantress. and Leshrac.
* Added Tutorial Mode.
* Added Bug Reporter: You can type "bug" in the console for a more detailed form or you can just type “bug: [insert bug text here]” in the in-game chat to enter a new bug on the fly.
* Added support for partially and fully sharable items.
* Fixed Chronosphere moving buildings
* Fixed the missing lobby/no team bug when starting a matchmaking game (hi ttocs!)
* Fixed vision duration on Wave of Terror
* Fixed Lifesteal from leeching off of wards (like rhasta's wards)
* Fixed Frostbite not revealing invisible units
* Fixed Necronomicon's Last Will working on Towers
* Fixed Poison Touch's projectile speed * Fixed Poison Touch's targeting rules
* Fixed Blademail working on towers and wards * Fixed multiple server crashes.
* Fixed Life Drain values always being that of Scepter upgrade
* Fixed Life Drain tick interval
* Fixed DOTA TV clients connecting and not having any client side tree
info. This also means that trees being destroyed/spawned will now properly work.
* New Vengeful Spirit color pass.
* Fixed Bloodstone not granting vision at the location of death.
* Removed experimental Hero Glows.
* Fix to tracking attack projectiles hitting you even after you've dodged them.
* Fixed drop/equip rules for Rapier.
* Fixed intro mode and other cvars persisting across games if the server was reused.
* Made a couple events avaliable to spectators, like rune pickups and bottling.
* Fixed bug that would cause illusions to not fully level up their abilities.
* Impact sounds wont be played if the target is dormant. Fixes hearing enemy heroes fighting neutrals.
* Fixed Vladimir's increasing damage by 15 instead of 15%
* Courier can now refill the bottle
* Fixed attacking Wards damage being blocked by Vanguard/Kraken/etc
* Fixed Counter Helix procing off of things it can't hurt
* Fixed Frostbite damage interval
* Bottle now always captures the rune when it pick it up, rather then only when it is empty
* Fixed a bug with OnIntervalThink not working properly if the think interval time is increased after creation
* Fixed Heart regeneration working on illusions
* Fixed various bugs with Poison Touch
* Fixed Static Remnant not giving vision
* Fixed Poison Sting vs mechanical units
* Fixed sound source for Poison Touch
* Fixed Poison Sting from illusions
* Fixed multiple urn of shadows getting charges
* Fixed bugs with how magic resistance from base and items were calculated on illusions
* Fixed ranged and melee manta incoming/outgoing values being reversed
* Fixed spells doing their amplified damage twice to illusions
* Added projectile vision to Windrunner's Powershot and Lich's Chain Frost.
* Illusions now copy the state of the morphed hero (DK ult)
* Added a number of new console-based cheat commands:
. item X - creates item X in your hero's inventory
. levelbots X - increases the level of all created heroes by X
. givebots X - gives item X to all created heroes
. wtf - turns off all cooldowns and mana costs
. unwtf" console cheat command to re-enable cooldowns and mana costs.
. timescale - speeds up or slows down time
. spawnneutrals - forces a spawn of all neutral creeps
. spawncreeps - forces a spawn of all lane creeps
. disablecreepspawn - turns off normal creep spawning
. enablecreepspawn - turns on normal creep spawning
. killcreeps X - kill all, radiant, dire or neutral creeps (X is all, radiant, dire, or neutral)
. allvision - all units give vision
. normalvision - turns off allvision
Title: Pop it. Lock it. Patch it.
Date: 20th May 2011
* Enabled Pugna and Beastmaster (in-progress models).
* Added new in-progress models for Lina, Drow, Windrunner.
* Implemented neutral Satyr Trickster's Purge ability.
* Implemented neutral Satyr Soulstealer's Mana Burn ability.
* Implemented neutral Satyr Hellcaller's Shockwave ability.
* Implemented neutral Satyr Hellcaller's Unholy Aura ability.
* Implemented neutral Forest Troll High Priest's Heal ability.
* Implemented neutral Harpy Storm's Chain Lightning ability.
* Implemented ancient neutral Black Dragon's Splash Attack ability.
* Fixed Zuus's Arc Lightning so that it no longer bounces to invisible units or units in the fog of war.
* Diffusal Blade's Purge now removes buffs/debuffs from any target, not just heroes.
* Cleaned up the visual transition between day/night.
* Fixed neutral creeps always spawning if the old creeps were magic-immune.
* Axe's counter helix will now hit magic immune targets.
* Fixed bloodseeker adding 80 damage when blood raging instead of 80% of the base.
* Dark Seer's vacuum now destroy trees around the targetted area.
* Fixed Mjollnir HAMMER OF THE GODS! not really proccing.
* Fixed Earthshaker's Ultimate Scepter implementation doing double damage to all units hit by it instead of spawning 2 echo waves per hero.
* Fixed Feedback (mana burn) not working on illusions.
* Furion's tree now obstruct vision for the enemy team.
* Fixed Pudge's health not updating when upgrading Flesh Heap.
* Made CTRL a modifier key to test sending an order to all controllable units. So you don't have to select all your eidolons plus enigma now, just hold down control when you give an order and everyone that can follow it will.
* Cleaned up how illusions were created.
* Ultimate ability state is now shown as a pip in the hero bar.
* Fixed Malefice ticking one extra time always.
* Fixed Eidolons multiplying by attacking buildings.
* Fixed Ravage getting blocked by Linken Sphere.
* Fixed Corrosive Skin vs mechanical units.
* Fixed Chain Frost stopping immediatly once it finds a magic immune unit.
* Fix to one case of bots getting stuck idling in place.
Title: Who wants an Update
Date: 13th May 2011
* You now automatically switch to groups of unselected, controlled units via Tab.
* Fixed Rattletrap's Rocket Flare to be visible on the minimap again.
* Switched sange and yasha from their orb effect maim to trigger off of an OnAttackLanded event instead.
* Manta move speed doesn't stack with yasha or sange and yasha.
* Fixed Reaper's Scythe on magic immune units.
* Fixed Fatal Bonds not always adding the primary target.
* Fixed a number of abilities having incorrect interaction with Sphere: Slithereen Crush, Jinada, Wind Walk, Echo Slam, Moon Glaive, Death Pulse, Purification, Scream of Pain, Fatal Bonds.
* Added grow factor to BKB.
* Implemented neutral Ogre Magi's Frost Armor ability.
* Implemented neutral Dark Troll Warlord's Ensnare ability.
* Implemented neutral Giant Wolf's Critical Strike ability and neutral Alpha Wolf's Critical Strike ability.
* Implemented neutral Alpha Wolf's Command Aura ability.
* Implemented neutral Enraged Wildkin's Tornado ability.
* Fixed Centaur Khan's War Stomp and Polar Furbolg Ursa Warrior's Thunder Clap so they aren't absorbed by Sphere.
* Fixed Vampiric Aura on illusions.
* Fixed Electric Vortex sometimes not pulling a unit if it is running away while casting.
* Added new summoned melee unit: neutral Dark Troll Warlord's Skeleton Warrior.
* Added Defend Ally ability usage to Bane, Crystal Maiden, Sven, Tidehunter, Tiny, Vengeful Spirit, and Windrunner bots.
* Added a bunch of missing summoned unit names.
* Tidehunter's Ravage is now consumed by Sphere.
Title: Cinco de Update
Date: 5th May 2011
* Added Earthshaker and Kunkka bots.
* Bloodstone now gains charges, rather than stacks a buff.
* Numerous fixes and tweaks to DotaTV camera.
* Hooked up Pudge's new Rot animation.
* Fixed Fiend's Grip not working properly on magic immune units.
* Fixed uppercase F not working properly in chat.
* Standardized projectile hits with respect to Sphere, magic immunity, and invulnerability.
* Added projectile dodging to teleports, invisibility, and Mirana's Leap.
* Kobold Taskmasters now have Speed Aura.
* Centaur Khans now have Endurance Aura.
* Centaur Khans now have War Stomp.
Title: Hey it's an Update
Date: 30th April 2011
* Many improvements to Bot AI.
* Improved DotaTV directed framing mode.
* Added DotaTV directed shoulder view.
* Fixed Rattletrap's Cogs to be killable by his own team (he can do it in one hit).
* Adjusted how Rattletrap's Cogs arrange nearby units when deployed -- they should be better about trapping units now.
* Fixed a bug where if a hero attempted to pick up the Aegis with a full inventory, the Aegis would bind to them permanently even though they failed to actually pick it up.
* Fixed Urn of Shadows not getting dispeled by towers
* Fixed hero base regeneration being less than it should be
* Camera fov increased again (higher than desired just to test it more easily)
* Fixed Wall of Replica illusion damage
* Fixed Slardar's Amp Damage not granting vision around the unit he amped.
* Fixed bug where heroes wouldn't get assists if a hero is killed by creeps/towers.
* Items now have a descriptor tag under their name if they are an Orb, Boots item, or Consumable, to help with possible confusion between stacking of effects.
* Cleaned up a few issues that were causing some tooltips to display incorrectly.
* Sobi Mask and Ancient Janggo are now Mask and Drum of Endurance respectively (wasn’t sure on these, probably just placeholders for now)
* Implemented the lower attack priority for wards, creeps, and the Boots of Travel teleport target.
* Creep Health bars is hidden while spectating. You can temporarly bring them up by holding ALT.
* Fixed having to hit SHIFT+ENTER to chat in spectator.
* Fixed invisbile units not having a healthbar in spectator mode.
Title: We're back!
Date: Apr 8, 2011
- In replay/spectator mode, the heroes in the scoreboard are now clickable (jump to the location of the hero).
- Axe's Berserker's Call now works properly with neutral creeps.
- Cleaned up linear projectile issues on non-level ground.
- Bots now know how to use a number of items: BKB, Shiva's Guard, Blade Mail, Sheepstick, Eul's Scepter, Dagon, Force Staff, Necronomicon, Orchid, Refresher, Ancient Janggo, Arcane Boots, Armlet, Buckler, Ethereal Blade, Invisibility Sword, Manta, Medallion of Courage, Mekansm, Pipe, and Urn of Shadows.
- Tiny can no longer throw couriers using Toss, and the damage from Toss will no longer damage couriers.
Title: Update
Date: Mar 12, 2011
- Fixed drag-select breaking if you dragged over the bottom HUD.
- Fixed Toss targeting couriers.
- Fixed Chain Frost initial cast being unable to target magic immune (ministun still works on them).
- Fixed Chain Frost bounces slowing all magic immune.
- Fixed Quelling Blade working on denies and on buildings.
- Lots of Matchmaking fixes.
- Fixed the scoreboard not showing the correct scores if you were a Dire player.
- Fixed an issue where when Dragon Knight in his Dragon Form was affected by Voodoo (frog or chicken), he would sometimes not change to the new model.
- Fixed Headdress regeneration.
- Fixed Bracer cost.
- Fixed Storm's Overcharge being used up on denies.
- Fixed radiant's middle towers being removed on spawn after a changelevel if they were destroyed on the previous game on that server.
- Fixed Focus Fire not working versus magic immune.
- Fixed Powershot requiring too much time to read full damage.
- Fixed a few bugs with Dream Coil interaction with magic immune.
- Fixed Courier stash pickup function having a delay (which would cause it to come with no items if you issued pickup/deliver quickly).
- Increased Courier stash pickup range.
- Fixed Eye of Skadi working on towers.
- Fixed Crystal Nova working on towers.
- Added illusion create/kill effects.
- Many fixes to bots, including less turtling late-game.
Title: Update
Date: Mar 22, 2011
- Fixed Viper Strike slow doing maximum power for the entire duration instead of falling off.
- Fixed minimum attack speed cap.
- Added a -createhero chat command (add enemy at the end to make it enemy to you).
- Adding the phased modifier to sentry and observer wards. This allows units to pass through them. Fixes forum bug.
- Fixed Kunkka's Ghost Ship not actually making the ship if cast near the edge of the world and into the world.
Title: It`s a big one.
Date: Mar 3, 2011
- Fixed Pudge's hook animation getting stuck on if Pudge gets interrupted before his action phase ends.
- Fixed general silence sound not playing when gaining the silence state.
- Fixed Dream Coil stunning invulnerable units (waveform, omnislash, etc).
- Fixed Mirana's Arrow and Pudge's Hook to not miss nearby targets.
- Enabled new shop UI.
- Removed Tiny, Enigma, and Viper from "New heroes" list, so they won't get be the only ones chosen with Random Hero.
- Added moonlight shadow cast effects to Mirana and her teammates.
- Added the ability to attack and destroy runes and world items.
- Runes and physical items now highlight invalid with the standard cursor if the controlled unit does not have movement capability.
- Added in new announcer lines for killing Roshan, Towers and Barracks.
- Adding in a delay on building attack messages to be less spammy.
- Only one bloodstone (the first one in your inventory) gets a charge when there is a nearby hero death.
- Razor's Eye of the Storm is now a two stage process. First it targets units then it targets towers, barracks, and the ancient.
- New Spectator Panel.
- Bots will now go for and pick up runes.
... go dormant and refuse to speak his lines.
- Fixed Avalanche lasting 0.5 seconds too long.
- Fixed a bug where Viper's corrosive skin debuff wouldn't do any damage to the creeps that it had poisoned.
- Fixed Freezing Field not slowing attack speed.
- Fixed physical items being visible through the fog of war.
- Fixed Viper Strike not slowing Magic Immune.
- Fixed Torrent not giving vision over the area it hits.
- Fixed Grow damage being added
O Closed Beta tá acontecendo e logo logo teremos mais noticias ;))
quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2011
Como farmar efetivamente
Otimo vídeo, mostrando como farmar sem avançar a lane.
Mostra como farmar com os razes, o método também se aplica a outros nukes.
Como fazer pull e stack de neutrals.
Todos os vídeos mostram como aproveitar melhor o tempo e farmar com eficiência.
sexta-feira, 1 de julho de 2011
Spots Jungle
Grupo 1

2 Satyr Soulstealer HP 600, MP 400, Damage 24-27, Range 100, Armor 1;Mana Burns (50 Mana) - Queima 100 de Mana;Exp 88, Gold 31-37.
2 Satyr TricksterHP 240, MP 200, Damage 7-10, Range 600, Armor 0;Purge (75 Mana) - Deixa lento num fator de 5 por 5 segundos;Exp 41, Gold 15-17.
Total Exp: 258Total Gold: 92-108
Grupo 2

Polar Fulborg Ursa WarriorHP 1100, MP 300, Damage 49-55, Range 100, Armor 4;Thunder Clap (100 Mana) - Slow 25% por 3 seconds, 150 damage, 200 AoE;Exp 119, Gold 76-88.
Polar Fulborg ChampionHP 950, MP 200, Damage 39-44, Range 100, Armor 5;Exp 88, Gold 60-70.
Total Exp: 207Total Gold: 136-158
Grupo 3

Centaur KhanHP 1100, MP 200, Damage 49-55, Range 100, Armor 4;Hoofstomp (100 Mana) - Stuns 2 seconds, 25 damage, 200 AoE;Endurance Aura (+15% Attack Speed para aliados próximos);Exp 119, Gold 76-88.
Centaur OutrunnerHP 550, Damage 18-21, Range 100, Armor 2;Exp 41, Gold 20-24.
Total Exp: 160Total Gold: 96-112
Grupo 4

Satyr HellcallerHP 1100, MP 300, Damage 49-55, Range 100, Armor 0;Shockwave (100 Mana) - 100 damage em linha reta;Unholy Aura (+3 HP regen para aliados próximos);Exp 155, Gold 107-121.
Satyr SoulstealerHP 600, MP 400, Damage 24-27, Range 100, Armor 1;Mana Burns (50 Mana) - Queima 100 de mana;Exp 88, Gold 31-37.
Satyr TricksterHP 240, MP 200, Damage 7-10, Range 600, Armor 0;Purge (75 Mana) - Deixa lento num fator de 5 por 5 segundos;Exp 41, Gold 15-17.
Total Exp: 284Total Gold: 153-175
Grupo 5

2 Mud GolemHP 800, MP 400, Damage 29-33, Range 100, Armor 4;Exp 119, Gold 54-62.
Total Exp: 238Total Gold: 108-124
Grupo 6

Enraged WildkinHP 950, MP 400, Damage 50-56, Range 128, Armor 4;Tornado (200 Mana) - Slow e damage em área por 30 segundos, channeling;Exp 119, Gold 67-87.
2 WildkinHP 350, Damage 20-25, Range 128, Armor 2;Exp 25, Gold 15-20.
Total Exp: 169Total Gold: 97-127

2 Satyr Soulstealer HP 600, MP 400, Damage 24-27, Range 100, Armor 1;Mana Burns (50 Mana) - Queima 100 de Mana;Exp 88, Gold 31-37.
2 Satyr TricksterHP 240, MP 200, Damage 7-10, Range 600, Armor 0;Purge (75 Mana) - Deixa lento num fator de 5 por 5 segundos;Exp 41, Gold 15-17.
Total Exp: 258Total Gold: 92-108
Grupo 2

Polar Fulborg Ursa WarriorHP 1100, MP 300, Damage 49-55, Range 100, Armor 4;Thunder Clap (100 Mana) - Slow 25% por 3 seconds, 150 damage, 200 AoE;Exp 119, Gold 76-88.
Polar Fulborg ChampionHP 950, MP 200, Damage 39-44, Range 100, Armor 5;Exp 88, Gold 60-70.
Total Exp: 207Total Gold: 136-158
Grupo 3

Centaur KhanHP 1100, MP 200, Damage 49-55, Range 100, Armor 4;Hoofstomp (100 Mana) - Stuns 2 seconds, 25 damage, 200 AoE;Endurance Aura (+15% Attack Speed para aliados próximos);Exp 119, Gold 76-88.
Centaur OutrunnerHP 550, Damage 18-21, Range 100, Armor 2;Exp 41, Gold 20-24.
Total Exp: 160Total Gold: 96-112
Grupo 4

Satyr HellcallerHP 1100, MP 300, Damage 49-55, Range 100, Armor 0;Shockwave (100 Mana) - 100 damage em linha reta;Unholy Aura (+3 HP regen para aliados próximos);Exp 155, Gold 107-121.
Satyr SoulstealerHP 600, MP 400, Damage 24-27, Range 100, Armor 1;Mana Burns (50 Mana) - Queima 100 de mana;Exp 88, Gold 31-37.
Satyr TricksterHP 240, MP 200, Damage 7-10, Range 600, Armor 0;Purge (75 Mana) - Deixa lento num fator de 5 por 5 segundos;Exp 41, Gold 15-17.
Total Exp: 284Total Gold: 153-175
Grupo 5

2 Mud GolemHP 800, MP 400, Damage 29-33, Range 100, Armor 4;Exp 119, Gold 54-62.
Total Exp: 238Total Gold: 108-124
Grupo 6

Enraged WildkinHP 950, MP 400, Damage 50-56, Range 128, Armor 4;Tornado (200 Mana) - Slow e damage em área por 30 segundos, channeling;Exp 119, Gold 67-87.
2 WildkinHP 350, Damage 20-25, Range 128, Armor 2;Exp 25, Gold 15-20.
Total Exp: 169Total Gold: 97-127
Mais por curiosidade mesmo, achei interessante, logo volto com a frequencia normal de posts, abraços.
Retirado do DotABR
terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011
Jungling With Bloodseeker
Jungling With Bloodseeker
+Starting Items: +
Ancient Tango of Essifation
Stout Shield
Quelling Blade
Skill Build:
1. Blood Bath
2. Bloodrage
3. Blood Bath
4. Bloodrage
5. Blood Bath
6. Rupture
7. Blood Bath
8. Bloodrage
Tutorial muito interessante, acho legal ir jungle com bloodseeker.
domingo, 19 de junho de 2011
Solo Mid Rexar
Como prometido ta aqui o video, vale a pena ver pelo bom uso do hawk e pelo posicionamento e uso do javali pra dar haras no inimigo sendo o grande trunfo do rex no solo mid, nao tao bom quanto o primeiro video na minha opiniao mas vale a pena ver.
e pra finalizar, mais um video do nevermore :3
Talvez hoje eu ainda poste o video sobre farm.
sábado, 18 de junho de 2011
Kunkka Solo Recuada
Um video do D.DomYterY ensinando a jogar de kunkka solo na lane recuada, demonstra muito bem como dar haras com a tidebringer e ao mesmo tempo nao avançar demais a lane, alem do bom posicionamento dos torrents e do farm incrivel.
Mais tarde posto um video do rexar solo mid e um video mostrando como farmar com efetividade.
Mais tarde posto um video do rexar solo mid e um video mostrando como farmar com efetividade.
quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2011
quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011
Final Farm4Fame
Farm4Fame é um dos grandes campeonatos do DotA mundial, e sua final ocorreu no dia 21/05 entre a conhecida equipe MYM e a SGC, onde a MYM mostrou superioridade e acabou vencendo.
Pick's :
Tonicek (Bot)
craNich- (Bot)
Warlog (Top)
SGC.Tulex (Bot)
Iacek (Mid)
MYM.Razer.KingJ (Mid) – [Maelk]
MYM|DeMoN (Top)
MYM.Razer.MaNia (Top)
MYM.Razer.DBSH (Top) –
shift.miggel (Bot)
Download dos Replays:
Jogo 1 : http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/admin/a_replays.php?dl=47382
Jogo 2 : http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/admin/a_replays.php?dl=47388
Só encontrei esse video da Farm4Fame desse ano, mas mesmo assim vale o play.
Pick's :










Download dos Replays:
Jogo 1 : http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/admin/a_replays.php?dl=47382
Jogo 2 : http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/admin/a_replays.php?dl=47388
Só encontrei esse video da Farm4Fame desse ano, mas mesmo assim vale o play.
WoDota é uma série de vídeos de DotA bastante conhecido e interessantes.
Os vídeos são simplesmente sensacionais, tanto a edição que é fantástica ( a musica tema não foge dessa regra) quantos as jogadas que são espetaculares.
Detalhe para a jogada do meepo, genial
O WoDota é semanal e como a maioria dos vídeos de dota famosos qualquer um pode enviar suas jogadas (embora a grande maioria seja asiática), já tive a informação de que tem jogadas brasileiras em alguns vídeos, embora não tenha visto nicks BR em nenhuma das edições assistidas.
Esse vídeo é o meu favorito,
segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2011
DotA 2
DotA 2 está sendo desenvolvido pelo Icefrog juntamente com a Valve,e deverá sair para a plataforma Steam.
A data de lançamento ainda é desconhecida, mas se especula que seja por volta de 2012.
Muito dos herois de DotA provavelmente estarão no DotA 2 como pode ser visto na imagem e o gameplay deverá seguir o mesmo padrão.
Não foi revelado nenhum video ainda, mas provavelmente esse ano seram reveladas novas informações pois o beta test está em progresso.
Esperamos anciosamente por esse jogo que promete ser um dos melhores de sua geração.
Links uteis com informações.
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